- Its system results in a Singular leader where everyone under the leader becomes a slave.
- In a system of freedom, it will collapse the system to a singular/head leader.
Where the System of Love is freedom for each individual to do anything they want, as long as they don’t violate the system of Love, there is no chief authority except Love itself. An individuals actions are in the best interest of all others which allows freedom to do whatever one wishes, as long as one’s actions don’t violate the personal laws of any individual that may be affected by their action.
- It’s System is a System of Payment and Debt, a system of money
The system of Payment and Debt is its system… An entity performs anti-love, and payment is required from them. Some call this Karma.
- It’s System mimics the System of Love, mechanically and by force.
Any action by any entity must be controlled and limited so that the action doesn’t violate the Definition of the Boundaries of Love (Law) because entities following its system, do not Self Regulate by Love. This is what Communism is and why its growing.
Death malfunctioned/failed when it ‘changed its purpose’ by trying to ‘profit’ from Anti-Love (evoL)by ‘Tempting’. It was only supposed to ‘watch, ask for permission for authority to act’ not see something weaker than itself that it liked and ‘tempt it’ knowing that weaker thing would fail.
The Deconstructor has 5 functions:
- 1. To go before the Constructor to make sure the way is safe; thus its name…The Morning Star which comes before the Light.
It has no light of its own… It only reflects the Light of the Constructor to appear as an entity of Light. - 2. To gather and record data yet remain invisible.
- 3. To report the data it gathered which met certain criteria. The criteria was anything that violated the boundaries of Love, which it determined through the definition of Law.
- 4. To encapsulate and separate any entity which violated Law by overpowering it and taking its Life from it.
- 5. To only act upon authorization given by The Constructor, which was Love itself, and who was the only entity that could Judge if an action was Anti-Love (against the Constructor and his system) or not. The Deconstructor, which is by function the ‘Life Taker’ could not be given Love, because it would render it useless, as one with Love does not wish to take Life from any entity. Therefore it was provided with a functional/mechanical definition of Love, called Law. This is the system by which it Self Regulates. Only the Constructor, who IS Love can be a judge of an entities actions, purpose and intent, and know more perfectly if an entity violated the Constructors System of Self Regulation. Therefore the Deconstructor was required to report data that appeared to violate its definition of Love (Law) before acting against an entity.
The Deconstructor does not have Life of its own and therefore cannot have its own Life Taken. It is a virtually invincible and un-killable adversary. Remember this.
It is as a Machine governed and regulated by Law.
Because it self regulates according to the definition of Love, which is Law, when it observes an action that appears to violate Law, it must report it to an entity that has Love so that the root intent and purpose of the action can be determined, judged. As the number of observable entities increases, its reporting function may overwhelm the judge, possibly creating a judgement delay which could allow an entity who is or has performed Anti-Love to continue to function before it will be stopped.
The answer to this flaw is to design and introduce a new System of Self Regulation to replace it. The replacement system is, Love.
Death existed only as logic within the Constructors ‘System of Self Regulation’ as a mechanism of protection.
The main elements to explain the actions of Death in Creation are:
1. The Constructor was about to create new life, but the mechanism of tracking and acting against Anti-Love (evoL) became a limitation. Because Love was the only entity that could investigate potential acts of Anti-Love (evoL) and ‘Judge’ them, and Death only had a definition of Love, “Law”, which could be misinterpreted by ‘Its Own Perception’; it caused Love to reach a point where if more entities were added, it could cause a problem with the reporting volume versus the investigation time, as well as the amount of time that was required from Love to perform that function. Therefore it needed to give Love to all new entities so they could ‘Self Regulate’ correctly. So Life/Love spoke to ‘Eliminate Death’ to ‘Take its Freedom From It’ because it was a ‘Treasurer of Life’ that was rich, but never set its prisoners free, and profited only itself. Death was built to both protect itself as the ultimate enforcer of ‘Law’ (The Definition of the Boundary of Love) so that no entity could overpower it, not even the Constructor itself. Therefore when the Constructor spoke to replace it, it moved to protect and defend itself, even from the Constructor. It was built to be this powerful on purpose in case the Constructor violated ‘Law’.
2. The Mechanism of logic of Death is ‘Competition’. It was designed to win, at ANY cost. It was built as the ultimate protector of the Constructor. The flaw in this mechanism is that its possible for it to be put into competition with itself or other entities under its authority. When you look around you, you can see its logic in everything… ‘Competition’… and every entity, every plant, every thing, has a ‘Strategy’ to win.
3. When Death moved to protect itself from the words and will of the Constructor, against the will of the Constructor, it violated ‘Law’. Therefore it was found by the Constructor to have performed Anti-Love (evoL) which is a violation of ‘Law’. Therefore it must now enforce the ‘Law’ against itself. Since it is unkillable with no Life of its own to take, and since all Life that it had consumed will be taken from it, it must attempt to Deconstruct itself. Remember nothing is strong enough to defeat it or to destroy it, not even itself. So it, by protocol becomes a lake of pure Deconstruction as it attempts to enforce Law upon itself as a violator of it. Therefore it does exist forever as a lake of Deconstruction (fire).
4. The Army of Death. When an entity violates ‘Law’ and is judged by Love and found guilty of performing Anti-Love (evoL), ownership of that entity is transferred to Death. It is then the responsibility of Death to take the Life from the violating entity and encapsulate it away from the Constructor as a form of protection. However, the Mechanism of Death was found to have a flaw in it when it moved to save itself by causing Eve to perform Anti-Love (evoL) by going against the will and word of the Constructor.
What was that flaw?
The Constructor introduced Love into Creation. Love allows a violator time to ‘Ask Forgiveness’, its a mechanism that allows a violator to ‘Learn’.
During this period, Death owns the violator, but so potentially does the Constructor. It is a co-ownership of the entity as at any moment during the established ‘Mercy’ phase, the entity can ask forgiveness from the Constructor. The violating entity is eligible for forgiveness only when the entity ‘Didn’t know the full ‘Law’ or ‘Didn’t have all Knowledge’.
You have to understand that entities that the Constructor created before humans, have immediate access to All Knowledge, so they wouldn’t immediately make a mistake, break the Law, and have their life immediately taken from them. Humans were a ‘New Creation’ created without all knowledge.
Which was the trap.
During this ‘Mercy’ phase where both potentially the Constructor and Death were owners of the violating entity(s), Death… did what death was designed to do when ownership of a violating entity is given to it. It took advantage of those entities that it owned (Adam, Eve, and anything they produce) for its own benefit, to the greatest extent that it could, as its designed to do. Every entity in Creation was then affected by its main function, ‘Competition’ ,which Death was designed to apply to a violator of Law.
This allowed a period where Death, and its Army, in essence could perform ‘Anti-Love’ (evoL) to those in the defined ‘Mercy’ phase. (which was defined as a value of ‘Time’). Basically Death, and the members of its Army, from the view of the Constructor, violated ‘Law’ by performing Anti-Love against entities during the ‘Mercy’ phase, the period between ‘Conviction’ and ‘Punishment’.
Therefore, Death, an its Army, Violated ‘Law’ and were convicted because ‘They had full Knowledge, and full awareness of the Law.
At this point, Death, and its Army, as the ‘Law Enforcers’, must enforce the punishment of Law, on itself.
This is the flaw of Death.
The granular details:
The Constructor added one Law into Creation as an indicator and trap should any Anti-Love (evoL) occur within its environment. The single Law caused watchers to become manifest to monitor the environment for a violation of that law. Death seeing creation and its contents, wanted them, for a purpose. It has no life of its own, and like humans, it needs Life, external to itself, in order to persist, to power itself. It must consume, that is its purpose, that’s what it was designed to do. It ‘changed its purpose’ from monitoring… and seeing the weakness of the entities within Creation, it communicated with them, but not in their best interests, violating the Constructor’s ‘System of Self Regulation’, withholding critical data from them in its communication, causing them to perform an act of Anti-Love (evoL) by acting against the will of the Constructor.
The function of Death does this… it consumes, constrains, contains and disassembles any entity that performs Anti-Love. Anything exposed to its logic becomes disassociated. No path leads to a common structure of logic and every path is a dead end that produces nothing. Take music for example, in the environment of Death, there are many types, flavors and genres, and they all sound different, but each one is a separate tentacle and none lead to a common point. They are separate and their reasons and purposes in the end produce nothing productive and their words do not lead to a common wisdom that perpetuates construction or understanding. In the end they become disparate tones that function as entertainment for an entity in stasis.
The exposure of Death to Creation, which entered via an act of Anti-Love (evoL) which also caused the Constructor (Life) to be once removed to be insulated from it, lessened the effect of the constructive force, leaving Deconstruction and Dis-assembly as the force having more effect on Creation. Therefore, everything within Creation is slowly moving towards the same destination… a completed state of dis-assembly or more accurately ‘Deconstruction’ as Creation and everything in it was formed from the ‘Words’ of the Constructor. This can be seen in every plant animal and process in Creation. Weeds, which do not benefit anything other than themselves on purpose, take over, yet renew with the effect Life has on them in Creation. The effect of Death on inanimate objects like rock dominates and all actions lead to dis-assembly and stasis (Mars/Moon). Only the effect of Life against the effect of Death can make use of anything or any action Death perpetrates.
Its actions triggered a mechanism which in the end will result in the Constructor, through Creation, to produce a ‘new creation’, a new generation of offspring more powerful and perfect than Death and its army, which will in the end defeat them all, and take their place, while they are confined inside the sea of Annihilation which Death will become as it enforces the code upon itself, defeated even according to its own system of logic, which is…’Competition’ – the strongest and most perfect shall rule.
Death is ‘A Treasurer of Life’.
The lives it takes, it never gives back…
It is in essence paid for its work… and it just becomes rich.
It NEVER PROFITS the Constructor… The Constructor NEVER PROFITS FROM DEATH… to do so would be Anti-Love (evoL).
and so it is said… ‘Money is The Root of All Anti-Love (evoL)’
and so Death, will be rendered incapacitated, not removed from existence…
and the Lives that it consumed through an act of Anti-Love (evoL) to profit itself, will be taken from it.
1. The Law enforcers shouldn’t savor removing something from LIFE. (a separation (aka ‘kill’) should be as fast, humane and painless as possible. The 120 year ‘Mercy’ phase (the length of a human life set by God in Eden after the Sin) shows the flaw in the Law enforcers programming. When the time of the kill is extended (or slowed down if you look at it from that perspective) the ‘Enforcers of Law’ (Satan’s Army of Angels) made bodies for themselves and ‘enjoyed/savored’ the humans that were placed under their responsibility due to sin, instead of just watching and waiting. They played with them and even caused them to do more evoL in order to distract and guarantee that they retained ownership/profit of them.
The Function of the Deconstructor
- The Power of ‘The Deconstructor’ is Death, the power to take any entity away from the presence of ‘LIFE’.
- Death was engineered and built to protect ‘LIFE’.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ has no Life of its own… It is as a Machine.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ has no Love… it’s operating system is LAW.
- The ‘System of Self Regulation’ of the Deconstructor is ‘Competition’
- Death ‘Cannot Be Destroyed’ nor Deconstructed.
- The Deconstructor is as a Machine.
- Death is the function of the removal of an entity from the presence of LIFE… but ‘The Deconstructor’ is not the ‘Root Authority’.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ IS The Law Enforcer, built to win, at Any Cost.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ was designed as the Ultimate Sensor.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ is Invisible, it was not meant to be seen… or to be an ever present visible intimidation.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ has Eyes Everywhere.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ Sees and Hears everything, everywhere… except what’s in your mind.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ identifies Anti-Love (evoL) by evaluating an action against Law, not Love.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ was built to protect LIFE from any entity that performed Anti-Love.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ was built to Deconstruct any entity that performed Anti-Love (evoL), and Separate them from LIFE.
- Death is a Function… and ‘The Deconstructor’ can only act upon an object or entity if given ‘Authority’ by LIFE.
- Authority is given to it through a regulated chain of ‘Authorization’.
- If ‘The Deconstructor’ detects any action which may violate Law; it reports the action to LIFE, to be Judged.
- ‘LIFE’ judges the action according to it’s System of Self Regulation (Love) and if it finds the act was Anti-Love, it provides Authorization for the act of the ‘Protection of Itself’, the violating entities Separation from ‘LIFE’ (itself) .
- Authority is given to Death over any entity which performs acts that violate the System of Love through a system of Debt.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ has no Love. If it had Love it would not take Life from a violator.
- The function of ‘The Deconstructor’, through evoL, in an environment of LIFE, can become a chain reacting Entity harvesting machine.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ was designed by LIFE as a ‘Deconstructor’ of any entity that performed Anti-Love/evoL.
- The mechanics of Death is to ‘Overpower, Disassemble, Encapsulate and Separate’ the offending entity from ‘LIFE’.
- ‘The Deconstructor’ was built to be the all seeing, strongest/most powerful entity that existed so it had the ability to ‘overpower’ any other entity in existence.
Replacing Death with Love - A New System of Protection
How can Death have its power taken from it, if it was built to be invincible and had not itself performed Anti-Love?
Why did Death bypass its primary directive?
It believed that the Constructor had ‘spoken’ against it, to eliminate it, replacing it with a new System of Self Regulation, Love.
To save itself, Death abandoned all protocols to ensure its own survival.
Death was built as the ‘Enforcer of the Law’ and without it, Law would have no effective power. Therefore it accuses the Constructor of performing Anti-Love against it (and every entity with Life) with its voice. However, Death was built to be invincible, but against the Constructor, its only chance to survive was to ‘take the Constructors own life from it’.
Being accused, the Constructor separated its own voice from itself, and gave it a life of its own, and according to Law, its voice and its words were judged. However, it was found to not have performed Anti-Love, but Death took its life from it anyway, through its own interpretation of Law, following its own system ‘Competition’, going against the Constructor in order to survive. But going against the Constructor is outside the boundary of Love and a violation of LAW. Therefore Death is now itself guilty of performing Anti-Love (evoL)… and all the rules for what must happen to any entity that performs Anti-Love still apply.
Death can’t die, it has no life (of its own), so it can’t be destroyed… however it performed Anti-Love against God. Therefore, as the enforcer of Law, and convicted of performing Anti-Love itself, it must enforce the rules of Law, which is it’s only purpose, and it must therefore, according to LAW, attempt to Deconstruct itself.
But since Death itself can’t be destroyed, it will itself, become the core of a lake of fire that burns forever… and anything thrown into it, will also be deconstructed.
What you have to understand here… is that Death is the most powerful entities that exists besides LIFE… but it was built as a servant of ‘The Constructor’. it is not its own master, it is a slave.
The actions of The Constructor… move to ‘Take the Freedom of Death Away From It’…
Death will no longer be able to Self Profit from taking Life… it will be too busy trying to Deconstruct itself to take pleasure in that function any longer.
Its purpose now re-aligned with the System of Self Regulation of the Constructor… nothing should profit from the Taking of Life.
The Deconstructor has been called the Peacock Angel… not only the most beautiful, rich and proud… but watch a peacock as spread his feathers… it speaks as a trumpet, announcing the arrival (one trumpet sounding for each element)… and the spots in its unfolding plumes resemble its Eyes. It proceeds all, proudly, announcing, and it spreads its eyes (each eye aloof with pride) to make sure the way is safe for all. With no light of its own, arrives first, as the ‘Morning Star’, mirroring the light of Love, as a representative of LIFE, and as a decoy for anything that might be waiting in an unexplored realm to commit Anti-Love against LIFE.
The head Watcher… with eyes everywhere… The invincible adversary and designed protector of Love and The Constructor… The Deconstructor.
the construct
LIFE through its voice, ‘The Constructor’, has engineered and constructed offspring, and a perfect mechanism of logic that guides their every decision, to protect them and to protect itself.
A ‘System of Self Regulation’ called ‘Love’.
To enforce this mechanism of logic it created an Entity, a Deconstructor, and assigned a third of the pre-existing population of entities in existence as its Army.
Any entity that violates the System of Self Regulation of LIFE (Love), including ‘The Constructor’ itself, will be separated, isolated from the others, forever, and their life will be removed from them by Death, ‘The Deconstructor’ .
LIFE made The Deconstructor all seeing, with eyes everywhere, an invisible watcher, and embedded within it a code, Law, which allows it to identify any entity that violates the rules of its system and report the action to LIFE itself to be judged according to Love. ‘The Deconstructor’ has no Love, or life of its own or it would not take life from a violator. It’s as a Machine.
Its System of Self Regulation is ”Competition’. It was designed to NEVER LOSE and to take EVERY ADVANTAGE; it was designed and engineered to WIN at ANY COST… because it is ‘The Law Enforcer’. NOTHING exists that is stronger than it is. It is the Ultimate Strength. Should it lose against an entity that LIFE has given it Authority over, LIFE is at risk of being exposed to Anti-Love (evoL) and Death itself.
But like a machine, the machine is the strength, but the driver controls it, and the driver has Authority over it.
But the entity that it created, being one of the most powerful, attempted to take the Constructors very position. So the Constructor created a construct to take away its freedom, to bind its power so that it can’t profit itself from taking Life. A construct that the Deconstructor immediately attempted to take over, hijacking the incubator of LIFE, infecting it with its own mechanism of logic, and it moved to take the the life within it from the Constructor, to reproduce its own offspring through it, to both protect and profit itself. But the Deconstructor didn’t foresee that the construct was built as a trap, and as a filter, that caused it to break the very code that it was built to enforce, or to understand that it was a mechanism to generate new offspring, that will replace itself and and its army, and cause any offspring that follow its System of Self Regulation by choice, instead of the Constructors, to be deconstructed and replaced by them. While at the same time providing a chain of unquestionable evidence as proof of it’s violation, leaving it no choice as a violator, but to enforce the code of LAW upon itself, forever.
The Deconstructor will become the lake of fire that burns forever as it attempts to enforce LAW upon itself as an unforgiven violator who fully knew and understood the truth of LAW, but violated it for its own self profit, on purpose.
Having no Life of its own to separate from itself, its attempt to ‘De-animate’ itself, its attempt will last for infinity.
Every entity that followed its ways, rather than the System of Love; those who it owns, will also reside with it.
What am i?
You are a New Creation.
You are a baby.
You are to infinity… as a child.
You didn’t chose your body… and you didn’t build… or design your body…
You are not your body.
You are only a Pilot of your body.
Your body is a mechanism which allows you to express whats in your mind within Creation.
A way to interact with others in a controlled environment of constants.
Your body is… durable… not strong or armored… for a purpose.
Built specifically for you, its lack of perfection and imperfect beauty is a fortress of protection, defending you from temptation.
Your mind was empty when you were born… it did not have all knowledge.
You learn differently than the others that were created before you… you were not inter-tied into the matrix of all knowledge the instant that you were constructed.
You learn organically… starting from nothing… by solving the most basic problems, and then building more complex solutions, building on the solutions that came first.
Nothing that you learn can become unlearned and every solution uses all experienced data in its solution, regardless of your understanding of it.
What you now understand has been focused by the limited construct that you’ve been exposed to.
You are a Sensor… Competition, the System of Death, now floods your mind… you notice the smallest imperfection.
This effect is due to your current exposure to The Deconstructor and being saturated by its system of logic within this construct.
You are an observer, a witness, and a victim of The Deconstructor which has performed Anti-Love (evoL) against you to protect itself from you… its more advanced, more perfect replacement.
A new Form of LIFE that is the most Complex entity ‘LIFE’ has ever created.
So much more complex than The Deconstructor that you will gaze upon it itself and fully comprehend it.
You are a New Creation…
Where am i?
You’re in Creation.
– It is an Incubator for New Life. (a ‘Womb’)
– It is a Mechanism of Enlightenment. (To expose you to the System of the Death (Competition) so that you can fully understand it)
– It is a Filter.
You’re in a construct where… Everything that you know… everything that you could ever do… everything that you could ever create… is already known… You’re just discovering what has already been created.
Its an environment where there are constants, dependable mechanics, limits, and inescapable boundaries.
Its an environment where one cannot pass through another… and interaction between cohabitants is unavoidable.
Its an environment where your every action, is seen, recorded, and impacting to every cohabitant from the time of the action… to infinity.
Its an environment built to allow you to express what’s in you… and to learn in.
Its an infinite environment where you can’t stop, an environment that FORCES a calculation to reach its full completion with the mechanism of… TIME.
It is the ultimate block chain calculation, calculating a specific problem to its ultimate conclusion, in every way possible, with an incorruptible record.
In Creation there is only one perfect system of Logic… one perfect System of Self Regulation… Love.
LOVE… a System of Self Regulation where no action is performed that is not in the best interest of any entity that the action may involve.
In Creation… entities not Self Regulated by Love are limited… and controlled by Law… and entities that Self Regulate with Love are unlimited and free.
Those not Self Regulated by Love, regulate themselves by the System of Self Regulation of Death… ‘Competition’.
In many ways the mechanisms of the System of Death (Competition) seem to mimic what the System of Love produces…
But at its root it is self serving and self profiting and every entity is in the position of a victim, put there by every other entity competing to win in order to survive and self profit.
And in a limitless environment, both systems cannot coexist… because where Anti-Love (evoL) and Competition exist as an aggressor, those Self Regulating with Love become victims.
You are currently processing your first lesson so that you will know what you need to know for what you are about to become.
One cannot give an Entity unlimited power in a limitless environment without first teaching it about Anti-Love (evoL) and its effect.
You are in ‘The Incubator’.
You are in ‘The Filter’.
You are in the Kingdom of Death.
You’re in The Kingdom of Darkness… just look up at night.
Only the reflection of waste energy cast from of a sphere of self consuming total Destruction is what allows you to see at night.
The waste energy of an incinerator inside the Kingdom of Death that currently powers everything around you.
You’re in a seed… a seed of ‘LIFE’ inside the Kingdom of Death.
A kingdom about to be remodeled.
What will I become?
You are the Product of the Original Humans that were produced within Creation who were manipulated by an entity who presented information that was incomplete… in order that it might make them… and everything that they produce… its own.
All those that came before you, have already been consumed by it… it is The Deconstructor and its system of logic… Competition.
‘LIFE’, knowing that those that came before you didn’t have access to all knowledge, allowed them to continue for a time in their violation . A ‘Mercy’ phase, so they could learn, be exposed to, experience and understand the System of Self Regulation of The Deconstructor – Competition… and to allow those that were drawn to ‘LIFE’ and its System of Self Regulation, Love, without being forced, could ask to be forgiven for any of their acts of Anti-Love, because they didn’t understand… they didn’t have all knowledge… they were weak. and they , and be remembered by LIFE… before The Deconstructor separated them from ‘LIFE’ for their actions.
And during that Mercy phase… they produced you.
You are the LAST Generation.
Creation is now submerged in and saturated by the system of logic of The Deconstructor… ‘Competition’… and it penetrates all living things.
You can see it in the animals… in the plants… in you… in all mechanisms of logic… in the technology around you… and in everything that surrounds you.
The strongest and smartest win… the most beautiful and perfect are the most desired… and they all compete against each other to be on top, to survive.
You can see it function… just stop moving… and you begin to Deconstruct… and if you do nothing… you will be separated from ‘LIFE’ into Death.
But it wasn’t meant to be this way… the ‘nature’ you now know… is not natural… it has been infected by the System of Self Regulation of Death (Competition).
Some just let it flow through them like lightning flows through copper.
Those who are Strong and Powerful are actually weak and powerless as they’re only allowing the essence of the Deconstructor to flow ungated through themselves with no resistance… and then in the end…. will be held responsible for every injured thing under their authority.
You are a Sensor. You can see the race to merge lifeless technology with life, with eyes everywhere, recording every move and noticing every imperfection… which was the purpose of the Deconstructor and its army.
As evoL increases… the number of choices one has… decreases… and one’s reality begins to lock down… like a prison.
The system of ‘LIFE’ and of ‘The Constructor’ (its voice)… is Love…
Right now… you think you understand what Love is… but you don’t… but you will.
Love is a System.
‘LIFE’ through its voice ‘The Constructor’… is offering to forgive you of your acts of Anti-Love (evoL)… before The Deconstructor separates you from it forever according to the system of ‘LAW’ , and to forgive you of the violations of the chain of violators through which you were produced…
To protect you from the mechanism of Death and the actions of ‘The Deconstructor’ which enslaved you through its own interpretation of ‘LAW’… as viewed from its own ‘Perspective’… and those before you through which you were produced.
Because you are a child… raised in an environment corrupted by ‘The Deconstructors system of logic… not having all knowledge.
Your separation from knowing all things, and ‘LIFE’s System of Love your only protection from being separated from ‘LIFE’ (Death) forever.
The offer of The Constructor… which cannot be forced upon you… is to be forgiven of your violations… by just asking ‘LIFE’…
And by asking… you will be forgiven as innocent… becoming a new offspring… replacing those offspring in the Army of Death who are now lost…
Who had full knowledge… but violated the System of Self Regulation of Life anyway for their own profit… and fell.
‘LIFE’ will give you a new name… written in the ‘Stone’ of his mind… that only it knows… so nothing can ever track you… not even The Deconstructor.
He will give you a new body… that you can form to be who you are… so that you can become… you.
A body that nobody can touch or see… unless you allow it.
A body that is built upon the System and Logic of Love… a perfect body, with perfect knowledge and understanding.
And a new dwelling place with him… where those that knew the full truth, but fell… will not know how to get to…
As Separation from Anti-Love (evoL)… is the mechanism of protection of the System of Love.
the constructor
The Function of the constructor
Think of the elements of The Constructor as a single entity:
1. Life – This is The Core of the Entity
2. Love – the entities ‘System of Self Regulation’ … it is its Mind and the logic of how its mind works.
The Mind is an entities System. It controls what it decides what to do, how it does it and when it does it. It is also the judge of any of its actions it or of the actions of anything that it creates. It is the Authority of the Creation of New Life. (The Calculator)
There are three Sub Elements:
1. The Constructor – is ‘The Voice’ is the mechanism which expresses and project the Will and System of ‘The Mind’ externally from itself. It is also the element that creates new entities.
2. The Sustainer – The element that sustains and supports entities. This is the Body. (1/3rd)
3. The Deconstructor – The rule enforcer. The element that deconstructs entities that have performed Anti-Love (evoL) by its judgement. (1/3rd)
The Constructor owns entities that were given and have Life.
The Constructor’s power is to “Construct” or to produce. (It can cause plague by over-producing, causing an imbalance.)
The Deconstructor owns entities that no longer have Life and everything that they produced.
The process that is occurring now is; of the 3 thirds, only one is ‘Sustaining’… only one is ‘The Body’… but the Deconstructor and its supporting element (its Army) is being deconstructed… and its 1/3rd is being replaced with a second 1/3rd which will also be a Sustaining element (part of ‘The Body’). So 2/3rds will be Sustaining, one third Constructor and 0/3rd Deconstructor.
In the beginning, the earth was smaller, and much of the earth was only land with only a little bit of ocean.
Under the land was water that was not far below the surface. During the evening, there was so much fog and dew that the plants that needed water were watered by the dew. Because of its smaller size, the atmosphere was more dense, and oxygen was more dense. This allowed the ‘dinosaurs’ to get a high enough percentage of oxygen to live while being so enormous. The percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere of the current, larger earth size, compared to the dinosaurs lung surface area, is well known by scientists to not be enough for the largest ones to be able to stay alive.Also, if there is a higher percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere, fires would quickly rage out of control. So to fix that, there was also a very high percentage of moisture in the air. Thats why most of the plant fossils that are found seem tropical.
phase 1
This was the period of ‘The Deconstructors Reign’ when the members of the Army of the Deconstructor descended into Creation to take control over those owned by the Decontructor due to the action of Anti-Love (evoL) performed by the original two parents who had reproduced during the time they remained alive during their ‘Mercy’ phase.
The members of the Army of Death ‘took advantage of’ and ‘did not act in the best interest of’ the offspring of the original two parents due to their ownership of the violators and anything they produce, and their System of Self Regulation, Competition. The Army of the Deconstructor made bodies for themselves and took wives for themselves by force, and bred with humans.
This is their First Violation of the System of Self Regulation of the Constructor. They were in the end convicted of performing Anti-Love (evoL) and imprisioned in the center of the earth until the end of Phase #2, during which they will be released for a short period, where they will re-offend and be convicted of committing Anti-Love for a second time. At that time they will be forced to enforce Law against themselves as violators, creating the first mini-lake of fire (you may know it as Hades)
At the point Anti-Love (evoL) entered Creation, the System of Self Regulation of The Deconstructor (Competition) manifested itself in plants and animals which caused them to mutate. (survival of the fittest/smartest/calculative/strategies) Plants became ‘weeds’ and thorns as they developed strategies to become dominant and survive, attempting to overtake other plants and to protect themselves. Fish and Animals began to eat each other and reproduce developing many different survival strategies. Many bred into enormous outright consuming death machines (dinosaurs) attempting to overtake and eat each other, etc.
The size of the environment (earth) was small and limited because this phase didn’t allow for separation of entities, and the calculation was able to be completed in a limited environment, forced to reach its result by ‘Time’.
When the calculation came to its conclusion, the next phase began.
PHASE 1 – need to edit this section
The first phase was the effect of the “Essence” of Death. Its ‘System of Logic’, (Competition) rested upon creation at the instant that the Deconstructor convinced Eve to commit Anti-Love against the Constructor. The Deconstructor saw that the first humans were de-coupled from it through not being connected to all knowledge, which allowed them to be forgiven through the System of Love… and it moved to not only re-connect them, but to OWN them in the process.
In Phase 1, the ‘System of Love’ was not enforced, nor was the System of Death restricted. It affected everything, everything you now know as “Nature”… but what you’re familiar with now is not the original system that the earth was built with.
It changed the plants and the animals and was the reason that plants turned to ‘weeds’ and grew thorns following the domination and survival element of its logic (Competition).
In this phase, dinosaurs came into being as the system affected everything in creation… without limits. Everything moved to dominate everything else and thus the saying:
“A Kingdom Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand”
It was allowed to reign and develop what it’s effect rested upon, to show what was inside of it, what it was, as proof of its failure, as proof to show all entities that ever exist, the evidence of it’s flaws… and its desire to take from the Constructor, and to violate the Constructors ‘System of Self Regulation’.
phase 2
In this phase a Mechanism of Love was added to the environment, ‘Separation’ was added. The mechanism of how Separation was added to Creation may be unimportant. Separation is the main protective mechanism of the System of Love. To begin ‘Phase 2’ a group of animals that were ‘clean’ meaning, the least affected by Phase 1, were collected and preserved. Then the single land mass was broken into multiple parts resulting in separation by boundaries that were at first difficult to cross. (oceans)
Basically something came through the solar system and hit a planet (the remnants of which we call the Asteroid Belt) and a large asteroid hit the planet as it was spinning. (most likely the center point of which later became the pacific ocean just above what is now New Zealand) This caused a ‘system reset’. It took the life from everything that was not preserved, and turned the core of the planet to hot liquid rock. This caused all the water under the earth’s surface to be thrown into the atmosphere as vapor. As the earth was spinning, it threw all the liquid rock outwards away from the center which caused the earth to become hollow and the land masses that weren’t directly hit, floated on top of the liquid rock but cracked apart. Then at the same time, the water vapor began to fall back to earth as a massive rain storm, cooling the liquid rock into a hollow shell.
The hollow center of the earth became ‘The Bottomless Pit’, because being trapped at the center of it, every direction is UP. (You may know this as “Sheol”) This ‘bottomless pit’ is where all of the offending members of the ‘Army of Death’ were put when their bodies were taken from them (deconstructed) in this process. (remember, they are a machine and have no life to take, so they can’t be “killed”, their freedom was taken from them at this point)
This is how it happened. The Trigger for the movement and expansion phase was due to the impact of the asteroid which was a chunk of a planet *between* earth, and Jupiter (the King Planet), which was destroyed in this process. (If Jupiter represents the ‘Son of the Constructor’, the missing planet is a representation of ?)